I have to admit this Mother's Day was by far the best yet. In one day I got to do almost everything I love. My girl and I slept in while the boys steady cooked away making Dad's traditional caramel pancake. After delicious breakfast I got to cuddle on the couch to watch My Little Pony while the boys went grocery shopping. We went to Karson's Mother's Day soccer game where I got to coach my boy and my team, now lovingly named Khaos. My brother and the kids surprised my mom at the game. She was over the moon to have both of her children with her on Mom's day, she can be easy to please sometimes. The kids were thrilled to be surprised with their cousins. Kurt made a delicious lunch and dessert, lemon meringue, my Mom and I's favorite. I retired to the couch to sleep off the fullness and one glass of wine I indulged in. We closed the night with my mom and I going to see Mother's Day the movie with nachos and cheese. All in all a wonderful day! Oh and my little gardeners surprised me with new flowers in my outside garden. They have green thumbs and lots of dirt underneath their nails!
Mother's Day came so fast this year. I've been so focused on getting through the last weeks of this semester it was here and gone before I knew it. I literally blinked and I have a 4 year old that will not stop talking, my baby potty trained herself and I am finished my first year of nursing school! What!?! Just goes to show when I say I have a year left and roll my eyes, people are right, it will be over before I know it. I have three short weeks off before I start OB and Peds at AAMC. I'm taking a little break from the city, (not really) I'll be there for class two days a week and my job on the weekends. This eight weeks will be insanity!!! But, I promptly decided we will be taking a little siesta at the beach for baby girl's 3rd birthday because then I only have 3 weeks off again and onto fall semester. Whew. I'm currently waiting for that "ah-ha" moment when I realize what kind of nursing I want to do. Right now, I know what I don't want, which helps a bit.
I'm currently brain dead...literally and awaiting my end of semester grades, which has me all out of whack. The faster I get them, the better so I can just breathe. One day in with no school and I find myself missing something. I came on the computer and Karson insisted I was doing homework, he also thinks because I am taking three weeks off I am no longer a nurse. Poor thing has a lot of faith in me, already calling me a nurse and telling other people too. When I am a wits end with this program, I hear his sweet voice so proud and carry on.
Baby girl straight up decided to tell me she had to pee one day and history was made. I tried to keep putting her in diapers for the convenience of travel for Grammy. She was not having it. I can't believe how easy it came to her. Just goes to show if you don't push kids when they aren't ready, they'll grow and advance when they are. Karson is such the talker, Kurt and I can't get a word in edge wise. He is always interrupting us when we have adult conversation and boy he is always listening. We are having to spell, it's just a matter of time before that doesn't work anymore either. Kurt has been working full time again, he seems to be much happier when he is busy. And wow are we busy. If I lost my planner, I'd be losing my head.
For all the things I've done in my life, Mom has always been the hardest and most rewarding. My heart just swells with love for these children.